Cyber Security

Cyber Security

Technology is ever evolving. The businesses today cannot afford to work without adopting Cloud as it allows organizations to scale, maintain flexibility, and focus their efforts on business operations, Using SaaS, IoT, and Cloud computing re-define existing networks and infrastructures.  

Cybersecurity is important because it protects all categories of data from theft and damage. This includes sensitive data, protected health information (PHI), personally identifiable information (PII), personal information, intellectual property, data, and governmental and industry information systems. 

Both inherent risk and residual risk is increasing, driven by global connectivity and usage of cloud services to store sensitive data and personal information. Widespread poor configuration of cloud services paired with increasingly sophisticated cyber criminals means the risk that your organization suffers from a successful cyber-attack or data breach is on the rise. 

Assessment & Consulting Services

Our team’s endeavor is to meet your present and future 360-degree security needs by implementing best practices and working on high-level governance rules & regulations to find protection within your budget. Our Cyber Security services deliver an independent, dedicated, and consistent external cyber security evaluation program, together with one-on-one advisory services by certified security engineers. It offers an unbiased assessment of your current defenses, identifies potential gaps in your current cyber security posture, and provides recommendations for improvement.

Application security

Information security

Threat Protection

Disaster Recovery Planning

Network Security Management

End-point Security

Operational Security

Analytics & Management

Transformation & Integration Services

The solution design and architecture depends on the specific business needs, type of data being protected, industry vertical, etc., so it is important to know how these factors influence it when planning for your project. 

Cyber security solutions are getting increasingly complex. New attack vectors are added into the mix, which can easily turn an average security solution into a susceptible one. Security solutions should be designed with flexibility in mind to avoid potential problems arising out of network devices not being able to support each other’s functionality. 

  • Solution Design & Architecture 
  • Implementation of security solutions, risk mitigation fixes/ procedures 
  • Security Implementation: Data, Network, Data Center, Virtualization, Cloud, Hosts, Endpoints, and Mobility 
  • Integration of products / tools 

Managed Security Services

Has your organisation ever had to deal with ransomware, malware, virus infections, or cyberattacks? This attack may have seen important services fail and meant employees couldn’t do their work for hours or even days. It could even have blocked customers from accessing your digital or physical services. The damage cyberattacks do to organisations ranges from unauthorised access via a relatively simple hack to large-scale theft of sensitive data, resulting in prolonged downtime. Effective recovery costs a lot of money and damages the confidence of your customers and investors.  

 The purpose of this service is to help you in managing organisation’s security infrastructure and services, so you can focus on core business. Cyber security is a critical business process to protect your organization from attacks and data breaches. In fact, it’s more important than ever due to the rise of cloud computing services and mobile platforms that have put us all at risk of being hacked.  

 By outsourcing Managed Security Services to us would ensure best practices through a proactive system rather than a reactive one. The services would include: 

  • SOC setup & management 
  • Fraud & Risk Management 
  • Security strategy design 
  • Security incidents prevention 
  • Ongoing vulnerability Management 
  • Threat Management 
  • Web Security, Infra Security, App Security 
  • Safeguarding Data & Securing Devices 
  • Device Management 
  • Data protection 
  • Audits & GRC 
  • BCP / DR Management 
  • Dashboard & Periodic reports 

 Giganetix has strategic tie-up with the following and list is growing every day.